What to Expect When Baby Starts Taking Solids
When baby starts taking solids can be a huge milestone, and not just because it means you’re one step closer to weaning her off the bottle. When you introduce solid foods to your baby, she’ll also be developing better jaw strength, an improved ability to chew and swallow, and more control over her tongue and lips. But don’t let this list of potential benefits make you feel pressured into feeding your baby solid foods before she’s ready – talk to your pediatrician if you have any questions about when it’s the right time to baby start solids with your little one.
How can I best support when my baby starts solids?
You may feel confused or overwhelmed by all of your baby’s needs when baby starts solids. This is normal, but there are some things you can do to help make sure that your child gets what he or she needs at every stage of development. For example, it’s important to know that a newborn baby doesn’t need any solid food for his first few months; breast milk and/or formula should be enough to sustain him until around six months old.
And while babies tend to sleep through much of their early days, it’s still essential to create a safe sleeping environment for them. As you can see, there are many questions that new parents have about how best to support their infants. We hope our guide helps answer these questions!
How often should my infant eat?

This can vary from baby to baby, but in general, infants tend to eat often. Some health professionals recommend feeding an infant every 1-3 hours. At around one month old, babies begin practicing breastfeeding skills called rooting and sucking that help them find their mother’s breast. As a result, babies often become hungry more frequently at about 2 months of age. Newborns typically feed 8-12 times per day. By 3 months of age, they may feed 6-8 times per day. By 6 months of age, most babies are eating 5 or fewer times per day.
Is breastfeeding recommended over formula feeding?
While doctors say breast milk is still best for baby, they also admit that some mamas can’t or don’t want to breastfeed. They’ll also tell you that there are benefits and risks to both formula and breastfeeding. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference. How do you plan on feeding your little one? Share your story below!
What supplements should I give my infant?
Babies need a variety of vitamins and minerals, so you’ll want to consider what supplements your baby needs based on her age. The best way to start thinking about which supplements you should give your baby is by evaluating how she eats. Some foods, like whole-grain breads, provide a full day’s worth of specific nutrients—and if your baby doesn’t eat these foods often enough, it may be a good idea to add them in with supplements.
Other foods, like yogurt or eggs, are good sources of several different nutrients—but babies usually don’t get enough of these to meet their daily requirements. In that case, you can supplement their diet with a multivitamin or single-nutrient supplement as needed.
How do I handle weaning from breastfeeding/formula feeding?
At what age should you start weaning? The most important thing is to make sure that baby is growing well on breastfeeding/formula. Once baby has reached an age where it’s clear he or she is getting enough nutrients from these sources, it’s safe to start weaning. Here are some tips for weaning at various ages, depending on how your child is doing.
Should my child eat before bedtime?

Although we typically think of eating before bed as a no-no, it actually isn’t such a bad idea. The reason? For many kids, late-night snacking is driven by hunger. If your child isn’t hungry when you put her down for bed (or if she appears satisfied after eating a meal), skip the snack and just offer water until morning.
But if she does seem hungry at night, try offering a small snack—but avoid foods that are high in sugar or fat. A piece of fruit or some crackers may be enough to curb your little one’s appetite. And don’t forget: Even though you may be ready for sleep, don’t skimp on quality time with your toddler before lights out; reading together can help both of you relax and wind down.
My child has diarrhea. Should I be concerned?
Probably not. Diarrhea, in and of itself, is usually nothing more than a simple irritant. It will go away on its own in a day or two. But there are circumstances that may warrant further investigation and treatment. If your child’s diarrhea occurs as part of an infectious disease like rotavirus or stomach flu, seek medical attention right away if your baby’s symptoms do not improve after 24 hours on home treatment.
My child is constipated. How do I get things moving again?
Constipation is a common complaint of infants and toddlers, but don’t worry: It’s not harmful (or even abnormal) for your child to have bowel movements less often than every day. Most children begin having daily bowel movements after their first birthday, though some have few or no bowel movements for several months or longer. The good news is that there are many things you can do when baby becomes constipated. Here are a few tips from our experts.
Can breast milk be given as an enema (by mouth or by rectum)?
NO. Breast milk has beneficial properties that make it ideal for infants as a food source, but it is not sterile and therefore cannot be given by mouth or rectally because of infection risks. Additionally, because breast milk is high in fats and calories, it may be unhealthy to give large amounts of breast milk by enema due to obesity concerns. Check with your pediatrician if you have any additional questions about whether breast milk is safe for your child.
My child refuses breast milk. How do I handle this situation?
It’s important for babies who can’t or won’t drink breast milk or infant formula to get essential nutrients, like calcium and vitamins D and K. Some studies suggest that soy milk fortified with these nutrients may be a better option than cow’s milk for infants who refuse other types of milk. Talk with your pediatrician about ways you can make sure your baby is getting all of his nutritional needs. ##
Should an older child consume fruit juice or fruit smoothies?
One 12-ounce cup of fruit juice typically has 120 calories, 10 grams of sugar and no dietary fiber. Fruit smoothies are usually made with frozen fruit that is blended with a liquid such as milk, and they contain significantly more calories than fruit juice because they are thicker. One cup of fruit smoothie can have 400 calories, nearly 18 grams of sugar and no dietary fiber.
Also read:- Baby Starts Taking Solids https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/solid-foods.html